The 10 Most Helpful Pro Tools Shortcuts

Isha “The Mad Scientist” here with the AirGigs blog, and in the following video I am going to show you: the 10 most helpful pro tools shortcuts to speed up your work flow. I will share how to do them on mac and pc and show you an example of each.

The keyboard shortcuts you will learn are listed below:

1) Play and Stop
2) Start Recording
3) Zoom in and out
4) Create a Marker while playing
5) Action (mute, solo, rec etc.) to all selected tracks
6) Switch between Mix and Edit Windows
7) Solo Isolate/Solo Safe
8) Create a New Fade
9) Copy a Plugin or Send
10) Create a New Track

If you have any questions please let me know down in the comments,
and if you need help with anything please check out my airgigs page
linked below. I offer a variety of services including mixing, mastering,
pro tools lessons, pre production notes, vocal tuning and much more.